Books That Changed Our Lives


Rich Dad Poor Dad This was the book that started it all. My dad read it and recommend it to us when we were thinking about getting into stocks. Brandon read it first and it blew his mind. This book gives a whole different perspective to life. It got us thinking differently. It was enough to prompt us to actually do something to change our circumstances.

Hold: How to Find, Buy, and Rent for Wealth I read this book as we were getting ready to fill our first rental property with tenants. We had already purchased a property and remodeled it and knew it would be a good investment. I was most worried about finding good tenants and setting that part up. This book laid everything out very simply and made it seem doable. And we did it. 

Millionaire Real Estate Investor This gave a really great lay out of a real estate investor’s mindset and what they are looking for. It was good to get familiar with some of the terms and numbers to look for when analyzing real estate deals.

Fierce Conversations This book applies to any type of business or relationship for that matter. It’s all about communication and coming to positive resolutions. “While no single conversation is guaranteed to transform a company, a relationship, or a life, any single conversation can.”

Playing With FIRE A good friend, Myra Oliver, suggested this book. I loved the story line of this book and what it taught. It’s all about a couple working toward their goal of FIRE (financial independence retire early). If you surround yourself with people working toward the same goal- you will be inspired and pick up some good ideas to accomplish you goals!!!

The Magnolia Story My mom sent me this book to listen to when we bought our first flip. It’s the story of Chip and Joanna Gaines and their journey through real estate flipping. They were on the TV show Fixer Upper. I love their values and the story of their family as they created a legendary life. Their story inspired me when we were very early on in our journey.

Traction We started doing all the renovation work ourselves. You can’t scale a business that way. This book talks about building out a sustainable business. It’s a game changer if you want to go from almost bankrupt to blessed beyond measure.


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