DIY Fireplace Makeover



This project is REALLY easy and makes such a big difference for the vibes in your home!

Here are the SIX ITEMS you will need!

1. Drop cloth

2. Paint brush

3. Painter tape

4. Spray paint (cover gold on fireplace)

    Operating fireplace paint (high heat)

    Inoperable fireplace (just for decoration)

5. Paint  I included the link for the white I used on the brick! I also added "Black Fox" Cashmere Flat paint for the tile base!

6. Mixing bucket


Time Required

There was a lot of brick on this fireplace project. It took me about 6 hours to paint the white brick. 15 minutes to tape off and spray the black metal part. The base (painted dark) took about 2 hours. I painted a sealer on first, then the darker color paint. Your time frame will depend on 

a) how big of a space you are painting

b) how quickly you paint


Special Tips

1. Remember to be careful as you paint along walls, ceilings, the mantle, etc....

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